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Lesson 1: Nouns (Part 1)

Updated: Jan 10, 2021

Before learning about Latin nouns, it is important to know what exactly they are in English.

Definition and Types of Nouns in English:

Nouns are a person, place, thing, or idea. There are a number of different kinds of nouns: proper nouns, common nouns, abstract nouns, concrete nouns, and collective nouns. A proper noun names a particular person, place, or thing and are capitalized (Bill, New York, Eiffel Tower). A common noun does not name a particular person, place, or thing (apple, chair, person). An abstract noun names a quality, characteristic, or idea (peace, happiness, honor). A concrete noun names something that can be discerned with the senses (iron, table, cookie). A collective noun names a group (family, crew, assembly). Note that nouns can fit in multiple categories, for example, a rock is both a common noun and a concrete noun.

Usage of Nouns

Nouns can be used in a number of different ways. They can be a subject, direct object, indirect object, object of the preposition, predicate nominative, or appositive. For the following examples, focus on the word "dog" because it will demonstrate each usage of nouns.

Subject: The dog jumps!

Direct Object (definition: the recipient of the action of the verb, and it answers the question "what" or "whom"): He feeds the dog

Indirect Object (definition: the recipient of the direct object [therefore, it only exists when a direct object exists], and it answers the question "to or for whom or what"): He got a bone for his dog. Another example: He gave a bone to his dog.

Object of the Preposition (the object of the preposition is the noun that comes after a preposition and gives it meaning [this is more clear with an example]): She put the collar on the dog. Or: The ball rolled under the dog.

Predicate Nominative (the predicate nominative follows a linking verb and renames the subject): Chewy is a dog.

Appositive (the appositive follows a noun or pronoun and modifies it): The big animal, a dog, ate all the food in sight.

Be sure to understand these concepts well because they will be important when creating Latin nouns.


(Try to do these before looking at the solutions, which are below)

What is the definition of a noun?

What are the types of nouns?

Name the uses of nouns.

Determine how "pizza" is used in each of the following sentences:

Everyone was angry with me because I accidentally threw the ball on the pizza.

Whenever I order my favorite food, which is pizza, I do it in Latin.

After reading about nouns, I like to eat pizza as I wait with anticipation to learn about Latin nouns.

After reading about grammar, pizza always tastes good.


A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.

Nouns can be a common noun, proper noun, concrete noun, collective noun, and/or abstract noun.

Nouns can be a subject, direct object, indirect object, object of the preposition, predicate nominative, or appositive.

Object of the preposition, predicate nominative, direct object, subject

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