As with nouns, the best way to start learning Latin adjectives is to have a firm grasp of adjectives in English.
What are adjectives?
Adjectives are used to modify or describe nouns and they answer the question "which one?", "what kind?", "how much?", or "how many?" For example, in the sentence "Jimmy likes hot pizza," the adjective "hot" answers the question of what kind of pizza. Adjectives are used either before a noun (like in the sentence before) or after a linking verb, which would make it a predicate adjective. Here is an example of a predicate adjective: "My pizza is big!" In this sentence, "big" modifies pizza and comes after the linking verb "is," so it is a predicate adjective.
One type of adjective is the article. Articles are the words "a", "an", and "the." "A" and "an" are known as indefinite articles, while "the" is known as a definite article.
The point of this lesson was to review you knowledge of adjectives so that you are ready for when you begin to learn about Latin adjectives in the following lessons.
What is the definition of an adjective?
What questions do adjectives answer?
What are articles?
Find all of the adjectives in the following sentence:
The big dog ate all the pizza!
Jimmy seems scared to memorize the Latin endings.
Even though she already ate two pizzas, she was still hungry.
Most dogs never got the prize bone, though that dog always did.
Adjectives modify or describe nouns.
Adjectives answer the questions "which one," "what kind," "how much," and "how many."
Articles are a type of adjective and are the words "a," "an," and "the."
(For the following questions, the adjectives will be underlined)
The big dog ate all the pizza!
Jimmy seems scared to memorize the Latin endings.
Even though she already ate two pizzas, she was still hungry.
Most dogs never got the prize bone, though that dog always did.